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Dear Allah

I'm sorry for always taking care of this Dunya, before I took care of my Deen. I'm sorry for stressing out instead of trusting you. I'm sorry for allowing this Dunya to become a priority whilst my love and attention towards You took a backseat. You love us unconditionally, and I'm sorry for not realizing this sooner. Instead of starting where I was, I waited to become perfect, and I'm sorry for that. I now know that you only test those you love, with what we love most. Thank you for testing me. Thank you for bringing me closer to you, and thank you for putting more strength in my baby steps towards my Deen. Thank you for putting this Dunya in my hands, but not in my heart. My heart belongs to you before anything.

Have you felt guilty after doing something wrong? Have you wanted to immediately repent after committing a sin, and this massive guilt takes over?

If you answered yes, let me explain what happens. Allah SWT has created us, yes we are His creation. And Allah SWT has inherently created us good, so when we do something bad, Allah doesn't punish us right away (obviously this has exceptions and is based on a lot of other things), instead He allows us to repent. He puts enough guilt into our hearts to ask for forgiveness, and once you repent, we attempt to never do the same thing again.

I have to leave a disclaimer - Islam is not black and white. It is perfectly grey. Your intention, aka niyat means more than we can ever imagine.

Lastly, I leave you all with a dua:

May our niyat always be on the right path, for good and for kindness. May it never hurt anyone inadvertently or advertently. Because at the end of the day, our intention is important for everything we do, be it your daily prayers, your work, your chores - anything. May our niyat be accepted and may it always be on the right path, and may our niyat always be accepted, and may we always carry love and kindness in our hearts. May we always be kind in our interactions, even if the person in front of us isn't. Ameen sum Ameen


  • Layluhhh

    Allahumma barik couldn’t say it better love how u explained it sis ❤️

  • Rebecca

    Yes! All of this 💕

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