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When Allah Invites...

Writing has always been my safe haven. I am treating this blog page as an open diary, to share my words of peace. To comfort you, and those around you. A lot of my blogs will be stories from several years ago, but when we finally catch up to present times, it'll be worth it. Two things I want you to know about me:

  1. Allah SWT is my best friend, and therefore I run on prayers.
  2. I'd like to be the kindest Muslimah anyone has ever met <3

Back to why I am calling this blog 'When Allah Invites'

Being able to step inside the glorious house of Allah has been a dream of mine since I was first invited back in 2008. I was invited with my family and didn't quite understand what to do. As I grew up and started learning more about Islam, my interest in performing Umrah again deepened, and I started asking Allah SWT to invite me every time. In Ramadan 2019, I started asking Allah to invite me in the last 10 days of Ramadan - nothing worked though. Whether it was the time, or something else. I never felt defeated, when Ramadan didn't work out, the only thing in my Dua that changed was the timing. I decided I'd go after my exams in December 2019, but who am I? Who was I to decide and make any decision when Allah SWT is the Creator of this Dunya, we all plan, but He is the best of planners. Anywho, December rolled around and one thing or another - it was not working out. And right when I had lost all hope, and had made up my mind to sleep my way through my winter break, something changed and all of a sudden my dad had tickets booked for me, my mother, and himself. SubhanAllah my time was written for just then. Allah is truly the greatest!

I was invited by Allah to visit His glorious house and to say that I am honored would be an understatement. They say Allah invites you himself, you don't just get up and go, YOU are chosen to visit His house - and knowing this, I am at a loss of words even more.

I returned home after spending the best 3 weeks in Makkah and Madinah, my body was back but my heart and soul found their permanent homes in Makkah and Madinah. We all pray to Allah in our own ways in different places, but the energy felt there is different, so raw, so beautiful.

When you see the Kaaba for the first time, you will immediately find yourself in tears. I found myself crying because I couldn't believe that Allah SWT chose me, in awe of His mercy. You don't realize how majestic the Kaaba is until you're in front of it. Out of millions and millions of people, Allah chose me. An honor I didn't know I deserved! And to perform Umrah with my parents is a blessing. Holding my mom's hand, and guiding her through the biggest crowd I had ever seen. Yet again, an honor I didn't know I deserved.

In the years leading up to my Umrah trip, I felt this pull towards Allah, it was something that I felt so strongly but couldn't put my words to, and obviously, Shaitan was doing the most by distracting me with all the world's materials. But no matter how much I spent on said materials, the yearning never stopped, I always went back to get more, hoping this would calm it - it didn't. Nothing did. But my sujood in Madinah saved me. Crying for a moment of sukoon was accepted, after all for Allah it was a matter of one Kun. Allah wanted to guide me back to Him, to worship Him, to bring myself closer to Him, and to never ask for anything from anyone but Him. SubhanAllah for a love like His. He gave me another chance to start my life, this time with the right soul and strongest of Imaan. He gifted me with imaan once again.

We are created to worship Allah SWT, our purpose in life is to become the best of Muslims, and our goal is to be known by the heavens. We are told to run after Allah, and in return, this dunya will run after us. No matter how you show up to Allah, just show up. In sujood, we are all the same. No one is richer, no one is poorer. We are all equal, for we were created by Him.

If you've made it this far and are wondering what Umrah is - it is a religious pilgrimage Muslims make in Makkah with the intention of purifying our souls, asking forgiveness and further strengthening our connection with Allah SWT.

Lastly, I pray Allah SWT invites each and every one of you to His house.

Ameen <3


  • Layluhhh

    Allahumma barik heart touching story ❤️

  • Rebecca

    Imagining the energy that was felt during this experience and power… you were chosen. 💕

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